We at Bug Hunters ensure to deliver of sustainable value for our customers by providing best-class testing services. We believe in Challenging the status and bringing innovative ideas and technologies to address our client’s QA and Testing needs. Our skilled team is diligent in creating robust Test automation frameworks for our clients and we enable clients to customize frameworks based on the application needs and requirements. We enable clients to optimize their test practices and effectively respond to dynamic conditions and growing demands.


What makes us different

We have tested many mobile Apps, Desktops Applications and we have expertise in UI/UX testing. Our prices are competitive and our team is capable of fulfilling the deadlines on time. Customer satisfaction is above all for us.

Innovative solutions
for your next project

We have been consistent in our goals, services, and the values that we have provided to our customers, and day by day it is increasing at a very fast pace. Our hard work and determination show that we build a relationship with customers that is forever

Testing is also about creativity and during these years our team has been evaluating various creative methods to deliver and complete the defined tasks/targets

Trust is what we have gained over these years and the same goes in our veins. We ensure we build transparent relationships with all our customers and this, in turn, gives us a chance to become the most reliable testing partner Over all these years

Our expert team always finds better and smarter ways to finish the task, moreover, we have been always efficient to provide the best possible solutions to our customers that help them in taking business decisions wisely and quickly

Domain Expertise


Life at Bug Hunters

Step Into A Bug-Free Zone! Contact Us For Seamless Software Experiences.

  • Personalized Solutions
  • Round-the-clock Assistance
  • Transparent Collaboration
  • User-centric Solutions
  • hello@bughunters.io



An End To End approach for Agile Automation using Hyper Testing

An End To End approach for Agile Automation using Hyper Testing

As the software keeps growing, the testing process also becomes quite challenging. Winning and losing the business depends on the quality and time taken to deliver what the customer needs....
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Understanding Agile Software Development

Understanding Agile Software Development

What is Agile? Agile is a set of values and ideas that encourages flexible response to changes. The emerging requirements and their solutions are collaborative efforts of different teams, organisations...
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Cypress vs Protractor

Cypress vs Protractor

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) alludes to a software testing strategy that tests the workflow of an application from beginning to end. The strategy is mainly to simulate real customer scenarios...
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