Accelerate Digital Transformation With DevOps

Accelerate Digital Transformation With DevOps

Evolution is the key to the existence as well as the survival of humankind, which not only guarantees its presence of it but rather generates a smarter progeny. | Accelerate Digital Transformation With DevOps

We, as a society have evolved with a plethora of technological advancements and achievements ranging from 5G telephone networks to facial and iris recognition smart devices, drones for food delivery, and whatnot. There are ample opportunities for those who want to learn and grow in the process.

The world has undergone periods through different civilizations and with the nomenclature of – the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Middle Ages, and Early Modern Period has undergone so much transformation since then, that it would not be incorrect to stop for a minute, re-analyze, re-evaluate, and re-define today’s world which is well on its way to be called as – ‘Digital Age’.

A Digital World can be defined as one which uses digital tools, digital ways of communication, smart devices, coming-of-age technologies, and an abundance of information with digital literacy as well as fluency. There is an open-mindedness towards problem-solving and the world today is connected in a way like never before. It requires a level of sophistication and collaboration to thrive in this beautiful digital world where options, as well as opportunities, are a dime.

What exactly is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation can be defined as the implementation of digital tools and technology, thus bartering the traditional work approaches and technology for its newer and younger counterparts in order to keep themselves relevant, innovative still as well as valuable to the customer and to stay on top of the game.

But it requires not only the correct attitude but also the collaboration between different teams in Information Technology and Infrastructure, thus bringing everybody together, not just the involved teams. We need to have a strong system and structure in place for such collaborations ensuring that they serve the purpose.

There are 4 types of Digital Transformation primarily –

  • Transformation of the Process
  • Transformation of Business Model
  • Transformation of Domain
  • Cultural Transformation of the Organization

Is it worth the Hype?

Digital Transformation industry is expected to have a net worth of around US $3693.8 Billion by 2026 globally thus implicating its huge presence across the world and leaving a mark on it.

So, it is safe to say that this is only going to grow from here, thus impacting the traditional organization structures adversely.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a hybrid or amalgamation of Development and IT Operations, bringing together two of the most important aspects of an organization.

Not only are we combining the two disciplines, but the tools as well as strategies, philosophies and coming together as one team to enhance an organization’s capability to cater to change and deliver quicker and faster. It is like two teams coming together to achieve a common goal for us to enjoy the best of both worlds.

DevOps as a concept started to gain popularity somewhere around 2007-2008 when it was observed that having development teams and IT teams work separately was causing major havoc in terms of product quality, time consumed in product delivery, manpower efficiency thus making the process not only cumbersome and ineffective but tedious and lengthy as well.

Hence, it was brainstormed that why not bring both of these facets together and strive for something which boasts of a superior quality product and an enriching process.

Digital Transformation using DevOps 

With the introduction and implementation of DevOps in the Software industry, a significant change was established in the way the industry had worked so far.

The deployment cycles were relatively much shorter now, the communication among teams was much better, there was a shared goal and understanding of requirements, smaller delivery times as well as a much superior quality product. The teams were working closely and effectively and also there was knowledge sharing in between all this which in turn made the teams come together, aligned way better and striving for perfection.

There are numerous ways in which DevOps has accelerated the process of Digital Transformation, like:-
  1. DevOps brought Automation testing as a by-product which just worked wonders for the field as automating the testing process has not only significantly reduced the time which was being consumed to perform testing manually, but also it has reduced the costs and made the product a much superior quality. This has helped the optimization of the Digital Transformation process as a whole.
  2. It has helped change the orthodox traditional cultures and architecture of organizations which worked with a mentality of having designated teams for different things by bringing teams together and initiating and popularizing the concept of ‘One Team’ thus bridging the gaps, ultimately making it all about doing things and delivering.
  3. It has brought people together, transformed the way organizations work. There are shared tools and processes and shared common goals and clearly set priorities.
  4. DevOps revolutionized everything with the concept of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, thus speeding up the process as well as effectiveness of timed and accurate deliveries.
  5. It allows a continuous change with organizations thinking in a much more forward fashion and embracing newer technologies like Big Data and services like Cloud thus making the work culture much more progressive.
  6. It keeps all the stakeholders happy as not only we are coming together as ‘One Team’ with a shared understanding, making a better workplace, timed deliveries, superior quality products making not only the teams but also the client very happy.
  7. Because DevOps is a comparatively much faster approach of implementing and executing things, it frees up much time which was earlier being wasted on mundane activities like – testing everything manually to innovate, explore and experiment with newer things, technologies and discover so much.
  8. It helps improve the quality of product as well as services and helps build more robust systems.
  9. It helps enterprises achieve digital perfection providing the customer a much advanced and significant customer experience.
  10.  It helps organizations attain a balance between the business side and the IT side of an organization thus enhancing the scope of learning for all the stakeholders.
  11. It ensures that there are no conflicting goals and objectives with respect to the understanding of what has to be achieved.
  12. It ensures a bug-free product which makes it reliable to use.

Inculcating all of this helps an organization not only become more efficient but also enables them to digitally transform by moving forward adopting newer tools, technologies, processes thus evolving the way the organizations work towards achieving business goals.


DevOps with its concept of – Reduced time to market has not only revolutionized the entire Software industry but has also brought a significant change in the way things work now. Not only the things are so accurate, precise and less time consuming, but also there is a gig change in the cultural mindset of organizations and moving towards collaboration and innovation.

There is 2 comments

  1. Very interesting topic, regards for posting.

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